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Scum Wiki
Scum Wiki

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Update 09-20-18
Quick Info
Date September 20, 2018
Size 34.3mb
Wipe No
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  • Fixed the bug where DEagle magazine was not spawning.
  • DEagle animations and montages update
  • DEagle animations and montages fine tuning
  • Fixed a bug where items would disappear after relogging in Single Player. (More on Multiplayer down bellow)
  • Removed Santa Claus clothes from spawning. (Sorry guys need to wait about 95 days for this one!)
  • Disabled blue flash on item creation
  • Fixed loaded vicinity items not being auto destroyed (Only SP fix, as only SP was affected, some items were not destroyed as they should be, now they will be destroyed).
  • Fixed Island Wall Gaps (No more freedom)
  • Changed weight on bullet vest from 2 to 15 kg

Regarding boxes and shelters disappearing in Multiplayer, through internal testing we could not reproduce the bug, although we will continue to try to reproduce it further. Please keep in mind that its possible that some chests and shelters were destroyed by other players.
