Update 06-30-18 | |
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Date | June 30, 2018 |
Size | 5.4 GB |
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This is a pre-release version of SCUM. | |
These notes were not intended to be made public and may be incomplete or unclear. |
- Sentrycan now be killed (spawns a corpse)
- Fixed sentry spawn crash
- Added Sentry audio event
- Fixed bug where key was not spawned in cargo assault game event
- Added forgotten includes to AIHelpers - Added health to sentrys (they still cannot be killed)
- Add new zombies meshes
- Added Spawner presets for Examine data
- Fixed BirdAIController crash - Fixed forgotten move result in compelx animal controller
- Add AIHelpers again
- Adding sprite for tool
- Made AIHelpers struct that contains methods to find partial paths and request moves on found paths
- Simple animals
- Adding sprites for the crafting menu
- Sentryes replaced with Sentry spawners
- Added look animations
- Added new version of basic BCU stats
- Added Spawners to Tv_Bases, Tweaked Spawner presets for Military cloth big
- Fixed Animal debug mode not working in developement build - Fixed Sentry crash in TickCombat
- Possible fix for tracking animals
- Edited ZZ observing look
- Added SM_Standing_Mirror_01, custom LOD and textures
- Added SM_Standing_Mirror_01, custom LOD and textures
- Added sentry weapon single fire sfx
- Removed sound event from obsolete zombie
- Added inventory actions for glass bottles
- Added sfx for various search actions
- Fixed Sentry crashing clients on TakeDamage
- Decreased sentry nav invoker tile generation radiuses
- Sentry hearing reduced
- Created SentrySpawner
- Added recorded puppet sounds
- Task 1443: Implement better zombies
- Save Assets_level
- Added new spawners in Continental Houses
- Added dirt overlay on some meshes
- Added Improvised Stone spear
- Added new 2s search
- Fixing various Discord Bugs
- Added new 2s search animations
- Fixed up redirectors in Weapons folder
- BP_WaypointGroup - Collision preset - Set to Pawn
- Add new zombie mesh
- Task 1443: Implement better zombies
- Fixed a bug witgh pasta where it could been eatean indefinitely
- Night Sky Storm intensiti editing
- Editing Night Sky Color
- Fixed max weight contained and inventory size on boots.
- Editing Animal Tracing particles
- Added Human tracing particles
- Editing Event spawn zones
- Semtry network interpolation set to Linear
- Changed how animal debug mode is displayed when on client
- Fixed Bird flying stat anim looping
- Fixed Global spawner showing double spawned animals
- Changed network smoothing for animals
- Fixed root at get up zombie
- Added zombie run attack 3
- Added zombie run attack 2
- Added loop to zombie run start
- Added variations to SM_Safe_Small_01
- Added variations to SM_Safe_Small_01
- Added SM_Safe_Small_01 and textures
- Added SM_Safe_Small_01 and textures
- Fix zombie
- Fix gloves 01
- Reimport and fix zombie
- Fix Zombies meshes
- Fixed bird spawner crash on no prisoners
- Added SM_Coat_Hanger_Fancy_01, custom LOD and textures
- Fix driving glove 01