Update 03-05-18 | |
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Date | March 09, 2018 |
Size | 923.8 MB |
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This is a pre-release version of SCUM. | |
These notes were not intended to be made public and may be incomplete or unclear. |
- Fixing folliage bugs
- Editing big rock Collision
- Added WM to TV_Bases B1,B2,B3,B4,C1,C2,C3,C4,D1,D2,D3,D4,Fixed Performance issues in TV_Bases,fixesd Phys materials on...
- BP_Animations fixes; SVD Dragunov reload test
- Vertical icons switched to horizontal
- Fixing Folliage in houses bugs
- Increased throwing distance for some melee weapons
- Added throwing speed multiplier on ThrowingComponent
- Increased chance of finding loot in cabinet
- Throwing animations update
- Temporarily disabled animal corpse actors
- Throwing animations update
- Added flesh Physical material to prisoners body
- All melee weapons are fixed and useable
- Sound attenuation for grenades
- Palms added into Preko
- Fixed bug - House in the air
- Bug fix from testers (added window markers on stone house)
- Item storing bugfix
- Boxing animations retargeting
- Bug fix from testers A_2_Tijat/Landscape_A_2_2 (reloaded all fence doors that were incorrectly rotated, raised terrai...
- Added WM on TV_Bases: A1,A2,A3,A4,fixed dublicated meshes on TV_Base_A3
- Bug fix from testers (fixed dam open seams, dam road height and floating trash)
- Dirt passes through a road {X=377032.563 Y=-172671.703 Z=6356.813|P=324.441406 Y=327.199829 R=0.000000} Fixe...
- Pistol animations update
- Weapon icons finilized
- Added D2_Lokve_Distant and meshes
- Added Gym into prison
- Armour_Class physical material - particles editing
- Created Welspring particles and blueprints
- Added icons for weapon/gear selection menu
- Bug Fix 1266 - Duplicate street lamp
- Added D2_Gunja_Distant assets
- Jail_Garage_Building, Storage_House_01,StrawSlimmer Atlas LODs and textures
- Aded D2_Farm_01_Distant, Storage_House_01 creating atlas LODs and textures, StarwSlimmer_01 creating Atlas LODs and te...
- Marof distant city landscape finished.
- Added D2_Babino_Polje_Distant Meshes
- Added D1_Prigorje_Distant
- Pistol animations correction
- Added D1_Kirin_Distant Meshes
- Enabled sniping info on AGOG scope
- Showing magnification in sniping info
- added Walls To D1_Gorica_Distant
- Added Concrete Walls to D1_Industrial_Distant
- Created D1_Industrial_Distant, Fixed UV on SM_Windows_05,_06,SM_Prison_Tower_House,SM_Windows_Guards,added Custom LODS...
- Editing airport road
- Physical material Kevlar renamed to Armor_Class
- Adding icons for weapons
- SVD animations update
- Apple tree - Simple collision as complex
- Enabled collision for apple and pear tree.
- Added Armor Class_physical Materials
- Editing Bullet trail
- SVD animations update
- SM_Prison_Tower_House_01 added Atlas
- SM_Jail_Garage_Building creating atlas,custom LODs
- SVD reload animations update
- AK47 reload animations update
- Ak47 animations test
- Added D1_Gorica Distant Meshes .Fixed Shader problem on LOD2 for SM_Garage_02_Window_A, Fixed WM offset on BP_Pharmacy
- Added Garand and Kar scopes
- Ak47 reload animations update
- Added part for weapon selection along with addons
- Adding scope texutre for hunting scope with variable zoom
- Adjusted bullet penetration factor
- SVD stand reload animation update
- SVD reload animation update
- 98k and M1 animations reimport
- 98k additional reload animations import
- 98k reload animations import
- Weapon animations update
- Finished distant cities Blace and Dol on C3
- Added bullet trail test
- Added PSO1 Scope for Dragunov
- Added PSO-1 scope for Dragunov
- Added Kevlar Physics Material
- Added kevlar physical surface type
- Finished distant city for Slani Dol and Vinski Vrh
- Edit shirt item
- Edit clothes pants poop
- Edit gloves
- Made bullets bouncier and smaller in appearance
- M590A1 animations update
- Various rifle animations updates
- Fixed missing road segment (Landscape A_4_1, Landscape A_4_3)
- Dragunov run animation update
- Various weapon animations update
- Checked few door LODs
- Distand city for Humac (C2) finished - Terrain sculpting aroud Humac so it fits to houses.
- Moved Menu Folder to proper location and rename
- Added sentry animations
- Added corpse inventory replication and search action
- Holding Tab while a menu is open will close the menu and re-open the circular menu selection
- On levels without the game events inventory will showup
- Boxing animation retargeting
- Added Continental_House_01c_01 and custom LODs
- File cleanup for dist city Prkno
- Edited LODs for Continental Church door, Stone House door
- Fixed Continental_House_01_01, Continental_House_01c_01
- Fixed Continental House 01,custom Lods, Fixed Transformator,custom Lods
- Fixed Transformer,added Custom LODS,Fixed Continental_House_01,Added Custom Lods
- Fixed crouch pistol idle
- Uploaded basic book model for testing
- Added LODs fo ContinentalChurchdDoor 02
- Added Transformer files
- Increased ocean sync interval to avoid unnecessary reliable RPC
- Added Level Bound to Landscape_D_1_4
- Title: Dirt Road Hovers Over Terrain Build: Location: {X=447225.719 Y=-102425.758 Z=5702.01...
- Most of the objects in this building are partially in the ground {X=259795.938 Y=-36012.500 Z=23655.084...
- Fixed switched materials in LOD for Market Shelves 01b - Fixed normal map on Church Door 02 - Created LODs for Contine...
- Fixed bug with camera offset when aiming down the sights/sniping and moving forward or backwards
- 98k and throwing animations update
- Throwing animation update
- Edited pistol crouch walk loop
- Missing assets fix
- Added Gym elements/meshes ( SM_Bench_Press_01 , SM_Pull_Up_Bar_01 , SM_Weights_Holder_01 , SM_Dumbbell_8kg_01 , SM_Dumb...
- New cheat command regarding skill and experience: SetStrength, SetConstitution, SetDexterity, SetInteligence, SetSkill...
- Added Gym elements/meshes ( SM_Bench_Press_01 , SM_Pull_Up_Bar_01 , SM_Weights_Holder_01 , SM_Dumbbell_8kg_01 , SM_Dumb...
- Assigned required properties on magazines for AK and Dragunov
- Assigned required properties on ammunition assets
- Grenade fixes