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Scum Wiki

THIS IS A TEST PAGE - The actual function of some of these settings is unclear/not true. Further testing and communications with developers will happen before this message is deleted.


Setting Default Minimum Maximum Description
Server Name thai test
Server Password
Slots 60 20 100 20
Savegame Current
WelcomeMessage Hi kon thai
MessageOfTheDay good day
MessageOfTheDayMinutes 60 1 - 20
TimeToRemainInGameAfterLeaveRequest 20 0 - 0
MaxAllowedAnimalsInWorld 35 0 100 35
MaxAllowedBirdsInWorld 20 0 100 20
MaxAllowedSentriesInWorld -1 0 86 -1
MaxAllowedVehiclesInWorld 30 0 64 30
MaxAllowedDronesInWorld 0 0 100 0
MaxAllowedZombiesInWorld 100 0 250 100
MaxAllowedWildPuppetsInWorld 32 0 250 32
MaxAllowedExteriorPuppetsInWorld 32 0 250 32
MaxAllowedInteriorPuppetsInWorld 32 0 250 32
Culture en en
StartTimeOfTheDay 8 0 24 8
TimeOfTheDaySpeed 1 0.25 2.95 1
MaxPing 300 300
TimeBetweenEventsMin 30 30
TimeBetweenEventsMax 36 36
CargoDropFallDelay 60 60
CargoDropFallDuration 60 60
CargoDropSelfDestructTime 1200 1200


SteamIDs can be found using the #ListPlayers command, or by entering the users steam name on
Setting Description
Reserved Players List Commonly used as a VIP list. Any players added to this list will be able to kick a random player and join the server.
Admin Access Any player added to this list will have full access to all # administrator commands.
Ban List Any player added to this list will no longer be able to join the server.
Exclusive Join List Adding any player to this list will turn the server into a "whitelist" server. Afterword, players not on this list will be denied access to the server.


Setting Default Minimum Maximum Description
SpawnerGroupsExpirationTimeInMin 10 ? ? Respawn time of items on the ground in minutes. IMPORTANT: You have to be at leat 50 m away from the spawn, otherwise not item will spawn
SpawnerProbabilityMultiplier 10 How fast will items respawn in open areas
ExamineSpawnerProbabilityMultiplier 10 How fast will items respawn after another player looted
SentryDamageMultiplier 2 In- or decreaes damage of the sentries
ZombieDamageMultiplier 2 In- or decrease damage of the zombies
HumanToHumanDamageMultiplier 2 A multiplier of the base non-melee damage from player to player.
H.ToH.ThrowingDamageMultiplier 1 A multiplier of the base thrown object damage from player to player.
HumanToHumanArmedMeleeDamageMultiplier 1 A multiplier of the base melee weapon damage from player to player.
HumanToHumanUnarmedMeleeDamageMultiplier 1 A multiplier of the mase unarmed melee damage from player to player.
BlueprintsAutoDestroyTime 21600 The decay time, in minutes, of crafted/placed items. IE: Chests, walls, cabins, traps...
AllowSectorRespawn If disabled, players will no longer have the option to "sector" spawn after death.
AllowShelterRespawn If disabled, players will no longer have the option to "shelter" spawn after death.
AllowSquadmateRespawn If disabled, players will no longer have the option to "squad" spawn after death.
RandomLocationPrice 15 0 - How many fame points spawning in a random location will cost the player.
SectorLocationPrice 25 0 - How many fame points spawning in a chosen sector will cost the player.
ShelterLocationPrice 50 0 - How many fame points spawning on a crafted shelter will cost the player.
SquadLocationPrice 100 0 - How many fame points spawning on a squad member will cost the player.
RandomInitialTime 0 0 - How long after their first death, in seconds, the player will have to wait before being able to respawn at a random location on the map.
SectorInitialTime 15 0 - How long after their first death, in seconds, the player will have to wait before being able respawn in a sector of their choice.
ShelterInitialTime 30 0 - How long after their first death, in seconds, the player will have to wait before being able to respawn on a crafted shelter or bed.
SquadInitialTime 60 0 - How long after their first death, in seconds, the player will have to wait before being able to respawn on a squad member.
RandomCooldownTime 0 0 - Additional penalty time, in seconds, added to the "random" respawn option after subsequent deaths. This value is added to the previous wait time, every time the player dies.
SectorCooldownTime 15 0 - Additional penalty time, in seconds, added to the "sector" respawn option after subsequent deaths. This value is added to the previous wait time, every time the player dies.
ShelterCooldownTime 30 0 - Additional penalty time, in seconds, added to the "shelter" respawn option after subsequent deaths. This value is added to the previous wait time, every time the player dies.
SquadCooldownTime 60 0 - Additional penalty time, in seconds, added to the "squad" respawn option after subsequent deaths. This value is added to the previous wait time, every time the player dies.
RandomCooldownResetMultiplier 0 0 - "RandomCooldownTime" multiplied by "RandomCooldownResetMultiplier" = how many seconds will have to elapse before the penalty time on the "random" respawn option will be reset to default.
SectorCooldownResetMultiplier 1.25 0 - "SectorCooldownTime" multiplied by "SectorCooldownResetMultiplier" = how many seconds will have to elapse before the penalty time on the "sector" respawn option will be reset to default.
ShelterCooldownResetMultiplier 1.5 0 - "ShelterCooldownTime" multiplied by "ShelterCooldownResetMultiplier" = how many seconds will have to elapse before the penalty time on the "shelter" respawn option will be reset to default.
SquadCooldownResetMultiplier 2 0 - "SquadCooldownTime" multiplied by "SquadCooldownResetMultiplier" = how many seconds will have to elapse before the penalty time on the "squad" respawn option will be reset to default.
DarknessIntensityMultiplier 1 0.1 - A multiplier of how dark the servers nights will be.
AllowFirstperson If disabled, player perspective will be locked to third person (Camera behind the player). If both perspective options are disabled, players can enter both perspectives.
AllowThirdperson If disabled, player perspective will be locked to first person (Camera in the head). If both perspective options are disabled, players can enter both perspectives.
AllowCrosshair If disabled, crosshairs drawn on the screen will not be shown.
AllowGlobalChat If disabled, players will not be able to use server-wide, global text chat.
AllowLocalChat If disabled, players will not be able to use local/vicinity text chat.
AllowSquadChat If disabled, players will not be able to use squad-only text chat.
AllowMapScreen If disabled, players will not be able to view the world map (M).
SquadMemberCountAtIntLvl1 2 0 - This value chooses how many members a squad can have with a squad leader who has an INT level of at least 1.0.
SquadMemberCountAtIntLvl2 5 0 - This value chooses how many members a squad can have with a squad leader who has an INT level of at least 2.0.
SquadMemberCountAtIntLvl3 8 0 - This value chooses how many members a squad can have with a squad leader who has an INT level of at least 3.0.
SquadMemberCountAtIntLvl4 10 0 - This value chooses how many members a squad can have with a squad leader who has an INT level of at least 4.0.
SquadMemberCountAtIntLvl5 16 0 - This value chooses how many members a squad can have with a squad leader who has an INT level of at least 5.0.
ExteriorPawnAmountModifier 17 1 - Modifier that is applied to the number of exterior puppets to spawn after spawn system decided that number. InteriorPawnAmountModifier 18 1 - Modifier that is applied to the number of interior puppets to spawn after spawn system decided that number. WildPawnAmountModifier 19 1 - Modifier that is applied to the number of wild puppets to spawn after spawn system decided that number.