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Scum Wiki

Positive Effects[ | ]

  • Increased running speed.
  • Increased acceleration.

Leveling[ | ]

The running skill can be leveled up by:

  • Traveling at a medium or fast pace while standing.

You gain points by moving in jog or running speed while standing and in medium speed while crouching.

  • Points increasing 0 - 10.000.000
    • Jog speed (12.3 km/h): +120 points/minute
    • Run speed (21.8 km/h): +200 points/minute

Running has no advantage over jog for long distances : because of resting time, running average speed is the same as jog speed. The skill level can only be increased if the player has enough points in their constitution attribute to allow it.

Basic: 0.5 CON required
Medium: 1.5 CON required
Advanced: 3.0 CON required

Misconceptions[ | ]

The running skill does not affect:

  • Turning radius.