Positive Effects[ | ]
- Increased attack speed while holding melee weapons.
- Increased damage while attacking with melee weapons.
- Reduced stamina drain.
- Note: Also see how endurance affects stamina.
Negative Effects[ | ]
- Fame point gain rate is significantly reduced with higher melee weapons skill levels.
Leveling[ | ]
The melee weapons skill can be leveled up by:
- Successfully landing attacks on animals, players, or puppets.
The skill level can only be increased if the player has enough points in their strength attribute to allow it.
- Basic: 0.5 STR required
- Medium: 1.5 STR required
- Advanced: 3.0 STR required
Misconceptions[ | ]
The melee weapons skill does not affect:
- Damage dealt while empty handed. This is determined by the boxing skill.
- Throw distance. This is determined by the throw skill.