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This article is an orphan, meaning it is not linked to anywhere else on the wiki. You can help Scum Wiki by adding a link to this page "Sailing" elsewhere on the Wiki.
This article has the following issues:
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This article is an orphan, meaning it is not linked to anywhere else on the wiki. You can help Scum Wiki by adding a link to this page "Sailing" elsewhere on the Wiki.
On first hand sailing these boats might seem simple enough but it has nuances. Wind actually does matter. That is right, don't expect you will be able to just drop the sail and go whatever direction you wish. Direct the raft against the wind and it will slow you down, or even push you backwards. You will need to actually watch the wind and sail with it to get where you need to go.
Change History[ | ]
Update 03-31-21 | Added Sailing Mechanic |