Overview[ | ]
As the core of the Nuclear powerplant exploded it has released a deadly radioactive cloud in the area surrounding it. The closer you get to the core the higher the radiation level you will experience. As the core is still exposed and active, it still actively releases radiation clouds inside of the zone which move randomly and will increase radiation levels on certain spots as well.
The intensity of these zones are measured in Sieverts. The highest it can go is 60 Sv/h all to way down to 0.1 Sv/h at the edge of the zone.
Contamination[ | ]
Radiation contaminates everything it comes into contact with. As for the players aka you there are 2 types of contamination it can cause, External and internal.
External Contamination[ | ]
External Contamination is all the radioactivity that the player comes in contact with directly
Caused By[ | ]
- Breathing
- Skin contact
- Contaminated clothing
- Open wounds.
Prevention[ | ]
External Contamination can be prevented by wearing any form of Hazmat suit
Current Hazmat suits offered include:
Decontamination[ | ]
- Wash any contaminated items with soap
- Take a bath.
Internal Contamination[ | ]
Internal Contamination happens when the player consumes a contaminated item.
Caused By[ | ]
- Eating contaminated food
- Drinking contaminated fluids
Prevention[ | ]
Internal Contamination can be prevented by checking any and all food and water for contamination before consuming it
Decontamination[ | ]
Decontamination will start only when all of the radiated food/water clears the body.
Decontamination can be sped up via:
- Running enough to cause excess sweat
- Drinking excessive amounts of Water to produce more urine
Other Prevention Methods[ | ]
- Potassium Iodide Pills can be used to block radiation for a determined amount of time.
- One pill can block 2 Sv for half an hour
- Taking multiple pills only prolongs the effect, it doesn’t make it stronger. After that time, the blocked radiation returns.
Detection[ | ]
Geiger counters can be used to detect radiation levels. The way you read the radiation level differs depending on which counter you are using The two options include:
- Improvised Geiger Counter
- This counter will produce sound "ticks" depending on the radiation around you
- More radiation will result in more frequent "ticking"
- Analog Geiger Counter
- Does everything the Improvised Geiger Counter does
- Gives an exact readout of the radiation level at the current location
Effects[ | ]
If contamination is not treated immediately, the player will begin to develop Accute Radiation Syndrome, or ARS for short
Change History[ | ]
Update 11-29-22 | Added |