This article is an orphan, meaning it is not linked to anywhere else on the wiki. You can help Scum Wiki by adding a link to this page "Points of interest" elsewhere on the Wiki |
This article is an orphan, meaning it is not linked to anywhere else on the wiki. You can help Scum Wiki by adding a link to this page "Points of interest" elsewhere on the Wiki.
All POI's[ | ]
- A0:
- A1:
- A2:
- A3:
- South Quarry
- A4:
- B0:
- Ramsons Hill
- Junkyard
- Brick Factory
- B1:
- B2:
- Airport
- Gun Range
- B3:
- B3 Castle
- Boot Camp
- Monolith
- Train Yard
- North Quarry
- B4:
- C0:
- C1:
- Waterfall
- Observatory
- C2:
- C3:
- Big Vern Monument
- Military Radar & Trenches
- C4:
- D0:
- D1:
- D2:
- D3:
- D4:
- Z0:
- Z1:
- Z2:
- Z3:
- Z4: