Overview[ | ]
HighTop Shoes are a clothing item in SCUM, commonly found within most civil urbanized areas. While they're not much different from what a player starts with, due to how fast the startes clothes wear out, these can sometimes come in handy.
Stats[ | ]
Their statistics relatively well reflect how most laced-up sneakers are in reality, best explained by the in-game item card: not much should be expected. These shoes will wear out quickly, and offer essentially no advantages. They don't affect the players' temperature, which can be useful only in warmer regions, provide no inventory space (Excluding the rare Medieval variant) and wear out extremely quickly. If any alternative is found, there is little reason to keep them.
Procurement[ | ]
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Variants[ | ]
There are two major types: High-top sneakers, which appear in different color variants, and medievla archers' shoes, both with the same name.
The sneakers have four color variants: Brown, Green, Blue and White. Other than the texture, there is no difference between them.
The medieval variant is only available in brown, however, unlike the others, it adds a 2x4 inventory space grid when on, which only Combat Boots do otherwise. They also seem to have slightly less durability than their modern cousins.
See Also[ | ]
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Change History[ | ]
Patch mm-dd-yy | Added |