Contamination[ | ]
Wounds can get contaminated based on the cleanliness of your clothes, as well as what you use as a bandage. If your contamination level reaches 100% for any wound, an Infection manifests.
Contamination bar[ | ]
This is a useful bar that will automatically show you the progress of your contamination level and its rising or falling rate. The total contamination rising level is the rising rate of #External Pathogens and #Wound Germs added up.
External Pathogens[ | ]
External Pathogens are all the bacteria that come from outside sources, like dirty clothes or dirty bandages
Wound Germs[ | ]
Wound germs can manifest inside of the wound if enough #External Pathogens are introduced to it. If #External Pathogens are taken away, wound germs will still manifest on their own if the #Immune System cannot fight them off.
Puppets also cause Wound germs on their hits with their dirty dirty nails
Immune System[ | ]
- The Immune System is the ability of your own body to combat outside bacteria with its own defensive mechanism.
- The strength of your Immune System depends on your Constitution stat.
- The Immune System can be boosted with Antibiotics
- In case of multiple infected wounds your Immune System will need to adjust on all of them accordingly to the severity of those wounds.
- By taking an antibiotic you can boost your Immune System and help it destroy the bacteria that is the source of the Infection and help your body close the wound up after it is all gone.
Sources of contamination[ | ]
Clothing[ | ]
The levels of contamination related to clothing are as follows:
- No clothes: 0%
- Completely clean Clothes: 50%
- Completely dirty clothes: 100%
So the level of contamination from clothing varies on how clean/dirty they are.
No clothes, since nothing is contaminating the clothes there is no contamination part on the toolbar.
Putting a clean clothing item rises the wound contamination to around 50%.
Putting dirty clothing item on rises the contamination level to around 100%
If you have a wound on your legs and you pissed your pants the contamination will rise to 75%, so despite what your grandparents told you it is not a good idea to piss on an open wound.
Lowering Contamination[ | ]
Bandaging wound[ | ]
So how do you combat contamination? Well by disinfecting the wound and or using the right bandages.
- Medical items are all disinfected.
- Dirty rags have 100% contamination
- Clean Rags have 50% contamination
- Aseptic Rags are fully disinfected and have 0% contamination
Disinfecting wound[ | ]
You can also apply Isopropyl Alcohol, or Absinthe Father also works in these cases, directly on your wound to disinfect it. However, the alcohol will evaporate after a while, so you will have to maintain the cleanliness of the wound. You can do that by removing bandages and adding new ones or cleaning the wound again. This is pretty useful when you have a Dirty Rag to patch up immediately and want to switch out to a clean one when safe to avoid Infection.
Removing Bandages[ | ]
When you have applied a bandage to a wound, a little white arrow on the top right corner of the wound icon will appear. Clicking on this arrow will give you the option to remove the bandage. You do not get the bandage back when you remove it from a wound.
Change History[ | ]
Update 06-02-22 | Added |