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Notes[ | ]

  • You are able to load mixed ammo in any magazine.
  • Press SHIFT+R and your character will take out the magazine, check how many bullets are left and show it in your quick bar.

Change History[ | ]

Update 07-28-22 Adjusted several crafted ammo captions
Update 11-26-20 Reduced crafted ammo damage to BB elements.
Update 09-04-20 Player can now unpack ammo box that is held in hands.

Reduced bullet tracer effect for regular, AP and crafted bullets.

Update 07-23-20 Added ability to mix ammo types in magazines

Added ability to check remaining ammo with shift+R

Simple Chart of Ammo / Mag / and Associated Weapons
Small Caliber Bullets
Ammo Type Associated Magazines Associated Weapons
.22 LR Hunter 85 Magazine Hunter 85
9mm M9 Magazine, MP5 Magazine, TEC-01 M9 Magazine, HS-9 Magazine, SF-19 Magazine M9, MP5, TEC-01 M9, HS-9, SF-19
.45 ACP M1911 Magazine, UMP45 Magazine M1911, UMP45
.357 Magnum Python Cylinder, DEagle .357 Magazine Python, Desert Eagle .357
.38 Special Peacekeeper Cylinder Peacekeeper
.44 Magnum Peacekeeper Cylinder Peacekeeper
Medium Caliber Bullets
Ammo Type Associated Magazines Associated Weapons
5.45x39mm AK-74 Magazine, AKS-74U Magazine AK-74, AKS-74U
5.56x45mm NATO M16 Magazine (also works for M4A1/MK18), M249 Magazine (Drum) M16, M4A1, MK18, M249
7.62x39mm AK-47 Magazine, SKS Magazine, AKM Magazine, RPK Drum Magazine AK-47, SKS, AKM, RPK
7.62x54mmR SVD Magazine, Mosin-Nagant Magazine SVD, Mosin-Nagant
.308 Winchester Carbon Hunter Magazine, SCAR-H Magazine Carbon Hunter, SCAR-H
.30-06 Springfield M1 Garand Magazine M1 Garand
7.92x57mm N/A (KAR98 is a 6-round breach load) KAR98
Large Caliber Bullets
Ammo Type Associated Magazines Associated Weapons
.50 AE Desert Eagle Magazine Desert Eagle
.50 BMG M82 Magazine M82
Special Caliber Bullets
Ammo Type Associated Magazines Associated Weapons
9x39mm VSS Magazine VSS
.338 Lapua Magnum High-Powered Sniper Rifle Magazine High-Powered Sniper Rifle
.300 Blackout Honey Badger Magazine Honey Badger
Shotgun Shells
Ammo Type Associated Magazines Associated Weapons
12 Gauge N/A M133, Double Barrel Shotgun, Sawn-Off Shotgun, Improvised Shotgun, M1887, M1887 Sawed-Off, SDASS 12M, TEC01 490


This category has the following 12 subcategories, out of 12 total.







Pages in category "Ammunition"

The following 167 pages are in this category, out of 167 total.

Media in category "Ammunition"

The following 105 files are in this category, out of 105 total.
