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Admin Commands, also called console commands or cheats, are tools that users with administrator privileges can use

Admin Panel[]

Currently the option to set and update zones in real time is added but more functions will come to it soon!

Admin Panel Announcement

The interface is user friendly and allows a lot of options on the fly. You can set the position, size, shape even color of each zone and then set what you want to allow or disallow in it.

There are 3 options for each zone:

  • Ignore
  • Allow
  • Block

Allow and Block are pretty self explanatory but what is Ignore? Well in a chance you want to create overlapping zones and there is a parameter you want to keep from another zone in the overlap area, you put ignore on that parameter. Otherwise the region that comes first takes priority, or in case of no overlap the parameter just takes default setting.

After you've set the zones and color you press apply and the zone will show up on the map.

Admin Zones Map

Oh and this also works in Singleplayer!


Click any command to jump to its detailed description. Brackets [ ] denote optional arguments.

Command Description
#Announce <Message> Sends the announcement message to all currently connected players.
#Location <Player> Displays the players current location. If player is unspecified, shows your location.
#ListAnimals Displays a list of all spawnable animals.[1]
#ListItems <String> Lists all assets with specified string. If string is not specified, lists all items.
#ListMutedPlayers Displays a list of all currently muted players.
#ListPlayers Displays a list of all connected players.
#ListSpawnedVehicles Displays a list of all vehicles on the server and their locations.
#ListSquadMembers <SquadID> <True/False> Displays the list of all squad members. If 'true', this will copy the result to the clipboard.
#ListSquads Displays a list of all squads on the server.
#ListZombies Displays a list of all spawnable puppets.
#VisualizeBulletTrajectories <True/False> Enables or disables bullet trajectories visualization. Note: Only displays for the command giver.
#visualizeplayeraiming <True/False> Enables or disables player aim direction visualization. Note: Only displays for the command giver.

Environment Commands[]

Click any command to jump to its detailed description. Brackets [ ] denote optional arguments.

Command Description
#SetTime <0-24> Sets time of day to the specified value.
#SetWeather <0-1> Sets weather to the specified value.

#SetWeather goes from a minimum of 0 to a maximum of 1.

1 will result in a storm of maximum capacity that the weather system can generate, while 0 will yield sunny weather with no rain in sight. Everything in-between will bring you closer or further to the desired result, so for instance setting it to 0.8 will result in a smaller storm with less rain than setting it to 1.

Changing the value will reset the result and after a certain amount of time has elapsed, the weather system will throw a dice and generate a random new value. Mind you that the dice is biased so getting the same result a couple of times in a row is really low. This means that a storm will likely be followed by clean sunny weather, rather than with another strong storm ( although it's still possible ).

Player Control Commands[]

Click any command to jump to its detailed description. Brackets [ ] denote optional arguments.

Command Description
#Ban <SteamID64> Kicks the specified player from the game and prevents him from connecting to this server until unbanned.
#Kick <Player> Kicks the specified player from the game.
#Mute <Player> Prevents the specified player from sending chat messages to other players.
#ResetSquadInfo <SquadID> Resets squad name and information.
#SetFacialHairLength <0-1> Sets facial hair length to the specified value.
#SetFamePoints <Value> <Player> Sets fame points of the specified player to the specified value.
#SetFamePointsToAll <Value> Sets fame points of all online and offline players to the specified value.
#SetFamePointsToAllOnline <Value> Sets fame points of all players to the specified value.
#SetGodMode <True/False> Enables or disables god mode. To unlock the Command you need to add the Suffix "[godmode]" after the Steam ID.

Example: 76561198046447765[godmode]

(Allows you to build instantly, does not keep you from dying)

#SetHairLength <0-1> Sets hair length to the specified value.
#Teleport <X> <Y> <Z> <Player> Teleports the specified player to the specified location. If player is unspecified, teleports you.
#TeleportTo <TargetPlayer> <Player> Teleports the specified player to another player. If player to teleport is unspecified, teleports you.
#TeleportToMe <Player> Teleports the specified player in front of you.
#TeleportToVehicle <VehicleID> Teleports the specified player to vehicle having the specified ID. If player is unspecified, teleports you.
#Unban <SteamID64> Lifts the ban on the specified player so he can connect to the server again.
#UnMute <Player> Re-enables chat messaging for the specified player.

Asset Spawn/Despawn Commands[]

Click any command to jump to its detailed description. Brackets [ ] denote optional arguments.

Command Description
#DestroyAllVehicles <Please> Destroys all vehicles. If no "please", returns "You have to ask nicely!".
#DestroyVehicle <VehicleID> Destroys vehicle having the specified ID.
#SpawnAnimal <ID> <Count> Spawns a specified amount of the given animal type.
#SpawnItem <ID> <Count> Spawns one or more items in front of invoking player.
#SpawnRandomAnimal Spawns a randomly chosen animal in front of invoking player.
#SpawnRandomZombie Spawns a randomly chosen puppet in front of invoking player.
#SpawnVehicle <ID> Spawns vehicle in front of invoking player.
#SpawnZombie <ID> <Count> Spawns a specified amount of the given zombie type.
#spawnitem <Weapon_Magazine_ID> <Count> AmmoCount <fill percentage> Spawns one or more items in front of invoking player with the specified percentage of ammo within it.

See also[]

  1. Italic text'Bold text

Updates to add (TODO)[]

  • #dumpallsquadsinfolist, which will copy all of the squads information to your clipboard
  • #ReloadCustomMapConfig lets you turn the custom map on/off and the size of it, without the need of restarting the server. Make sure to wait at least 30sec so the server updates the new setting before entering the command.
  • StormProbabilityMultiplier - Modifies storm probability (default is 1).
    • Default is 1.
    • 0.0 to 1.0 results in more frequent storms - 0.0 represents a never-ending storm
    • 1.0 to 1000.0 results in less frequent storms
  • HideKillNotifications=0/1 - Allows the enabling/disabling of the kill notifications (default is 1).
  • AllowKillClaiming=0/1 - Allows the enabling/disabling of kill claiming (default is 1).
  • #setfakename <name> - Sets a fake character name for your prisoner.
    • -This will show up on the event leaderboard, BCU, squad list, name above the prisoner, kill notifications, chat etc.
  • #clearfakename - clears the fake character name
  • Added an admin command that lists all currently spawned animals.

Voting system[]

Three possible votes:

  • #vote SetWeather
  • #vote SetTimeOfDay
  • #vote InitiateCargoDrop

The admin initializes the vote and all active players can vote with either F2 as Yes or F3 as No.

#cancelvote will cancel the vote before it is completed.

See Server Settings for vote specific server parameters

  • Update 12-21-20
    • #NightBrightness (0 - 1) - allows admins to increase nighttime brightness in the game (client side only).
  • Update 03-02-21
    • #renameVehicle <idOrAlias> <Alias>
      • First argument is the ID (or alias if it has one) of the vehicle. The other argument is the new alias of the vehicle. Alias is case insensitive and it cannot be a number.
    • Command #destroyVehicle <idOrAlias> can be used with ID or alias.
    • Command #listSpawnedVehicles will now also display the alias of the vehicle if it has one as the last column.
    • Command #teleportToVehicle <idOrAlias> <player> can be used with ID or alias.
    • Admins can now spawn small animals.
  • Update 03-31-21
    • #SetTimeSpeed <Value> Sets the time of day speed to a specified value.
  • Update 05-26-21
    • Added a parameter that allows you to set the number of boats available on the island.
  • Update 06-15-21
    • ShowFlagInfo true / false (shows location and information of the flag on the map)
    • #ShowFlagLocations true / false (shows location of the flag on the map)
    • #ShowVehicleInfo true / false (shows location and information of vehicles on the map)
    • #ShowVehicleLoactions true / false (shows location of vehicles on the map)
    • Mine interactions like arming the mine, triggering the mine and disarming the mine will now be written down in Mines.log file with both owners of the mines / traps and victim.
    • Now it is possible to see comatose logs under kill.log as separate input in the log file with information of the comatose player and the one responsible for his state.
  • Update 07-06-21
    • Logs will now show traps when activated not every time they deal damage.
  • Update 09-10-21
    • Admins can now set fake names to others.
    • Admin drones can now see door upgrades information.
    • #spawnitem command can now also set the dirtiness level on items.
    • #spawnitem can now work in 4 different ways, either you can use long sting for location that you can acquire by pressing CTRL and C while using quotation marks, same goes for the location that is acquired by doing #location (player name), you can also use steamID of certain player to spawn item next to him.
      • #SpawnItem BP_Weapon_AK47 1 Location "{X=326126.281 Y=442371.063 Z=23629.654|P=326.707153 Y=7.781963 R=0.000000}" #spawnitem BP_Weapon_AK47 1 Location "X=326021.875 Y=442475.844 Z=23629.650" #spawnitem BP_Weapon_AK47 1 Location (SteamID) #SpawnItem BP_Weapon_AK47 1 Location 326021.875 442475.844 23629.650
  • Update 10-07-21
    • Admin lock removal can now open killbox doors.
    • Custom zones can now allow base building on POI areas.
  • Update 10-28-21
    • You can now also spawn in vehicles, puppets and animals on the location or the player that you want to. Arguments for those commands are next:
      • spawnitem <name> <count> Location "<location>"
      • spawnvehicle <name> <count> Location "<location>"
      • spawnzombie <name> <count> Location "<location>"
      • spawnanimal <name> <count> Location "<location>
    • Please remember if you want location spawn to work you need to put the location in quotation marks.
  • Update 01-31-22
    • Silence <Player> [Duration (hours), 0 or no argument = Indefinitely]: Prevents the silenced player from sending messages to other players.
    • Added an Admin chat channel in ingame chat.
    • Added new option to disable BB damage on Admin panel zones.
  • Update 04-21-22
    • Added new possibiltiy to spawn command. You can now spawn exact number of ammo and cash with ammo count and cash value variables. Examples:
      • #spawnitem Cal_22 1 AmmoCount 3
      • #spawnitem BP_Cash 1 CashValue 6969
  • Update 06-30-22
    • Added a new log to the economy log that shows users online while transaction is made
  • Update 09-19-22
    • Server admins can now trigger partial wipe via variable in the ServerSettings.ini
      • This will be a new server setting in the [SCUM] section. The new setting is called: PartialWipe=0 The default will be set to 0. When a admin sets this to 1 (either when the server is still running, or when its offline), the partial wipe will be executed upon THE NEXT SERVER STARTUP. After the partial wipe has been done, the above setting will be set to 0 so that the partial wipe does not happen again during the next restart.
  • Update 10-20-22
    • Added new optional location argument to #DestroyZombiesWithinRadius admin command. Example:
        1. DestroyZombiesWithinRadius <radius> <location>
        2. DestroyZombiesWithinRadius 100 {X=-152157.266 Y=287169.562 Z=69696.133|P=341.697937 Y=189.414261 R=0.000000}
    • Added a #listflags command that lists the ID, owner and location of all flags on the level.
    • Added additional information about teleports when using ShowOtherPlayerInfo, ShowVehicleInfo and TeleportTo commands.
    • Added a parameter to #DestroyCorpsesWithinRadius command to control whether the clothes of destroyed corpses stay on the ground or get destroyed.
  • Patch 03-15-23
    • Added server setting for bicycles:
      • [SCUM.Vehicles]
        • VehicleSpawnGroup.Bicycle.Max=20
        • VehicleSpawnGroup.Bicycle.MaxFunctional=20
        • VehicleSpawnGroup.Bicycle.MinPurchased=5
    • Added server setting for bedroll logout visibility timer in seconds:
      • [SCUM]
        • BedrollVisibilityTimer=0
    • Added server setting to enable/disable accumulated fatigue:
      • [SCUM.Prisoner]
        • DisableAccumulatedFatigue=0

Change History[]

Patch 03-15-23 Added server setting for bicycles

Added server setting for bedroll logout visibility timer in seconds Added server setting to enable/disable accumulated fatigue

Update 10-20-22 Added new optional location argument to #DestroyZombiesWithinRadius

Added #listflags Added additional information about teleports when using ShowOtherPlayerInfo, ShowVehicleInfo and TeleportTo Added a parameter to #DestroyCorpsesWithinRadius command to control whether the clothes of destroyed corpses stay on the ground or get destroyed

Update 09-19-22 Removed #setprivatepartssize and #settattooindex commands since they can now be changed in plastic surgery.

Server admins can now trigger partial wipe via variable in the ServerSettings.ini

Update 07-28-22 GL kills now properly log in the kill logs.
Update 06-30-22 Added a new log to the economy log that shows users online while transaction is made
Update 06-02-22 Added "Vehicle parking" option to custom zone settings.
Update 04-21-22 Implemented separate kill logs for events

Added new possibilities to spawn commands

Update 01-31-22 Added silence player command

Added admin chat channel Added options to disable BB damage in admin panel

Update 10-28-21 Spawn count commands for specific locations
Update 10-07-21 Admin lock removal can now open killbox doors.

Custom zones can now allow base building on POI areas.

Update 09-10-21 Added Admin Panel
Update 07-06-21 Logs will now show traps when activated not every time they deal damage.
Update 06-15-21 #ShowFlagInfo added

#ShowFlagLocations added #ShowVehicleInfo added #ShowVehicleLoactions added Mine interactions like arming the mine, triggering the mine and disarming the mine will now be written down in Mines.log file with both owners of the mines / traps and victim. Now it is possible to see comatose logs under kill.log as separate input in the log file with information of the comatose player and the one responsible for his state.

Update 05-26-21 Added a parameter that allows you to set the number of boats available on the island.
Update 03-31-21 Trap kills will now be logged even if the mine does not have an owner.

Added new command: #SetTimeSpeed

Update 03-02-21 Added #renameVehicle command and adjusted other vehicle commands to be able to use both the original ID or the chosen alias

Admins can now spawn small animals.

Update 12-21-20 #NightBrightness (0 - 1) - allows admins to increase nighttime brightness in the game (client side only)
Update 10-30-20 Added an admin command that lists all currently spawned animals

Added a voting system

Update 09-25-20 #setfakename <name> - Sets a fake character name for your prisoner

#clearfakename - clears the fake character name Added better information to kill logs regarding melee kills

Update 09-04-20 StormProbabilityMultiplier - Modifies storm probability (default is 1).

HideKillNotifications=0/1 - Allows the enabling/disabling of the kill notifications (default is 1). AllowKillClaiming=0/1 - Allows the enabling/disabling of kill claiming (default is 1).

Update 08-21-20 #ReloadCustomMapConfig lets you turn the custom map on/off and the size of it, without the need of restarting the server. Make sure to wait at least 30sec so the server updates the new setting before entering the command.
Update 07-23-20 #dumpallsquadsinfolist added, which will copy all of the squads information to your clipboard
Update 06-25-20 #showotherplayerinfo added

#showotherplayerlocations added You can now set the number of usages and health of the item when you spawn it using the #spawnitem command.

Update 06-10-20 Admin drones can now see the owner of certain game objects, such as chests, doors, vehicles, and traps

Admins can now visualize player aiming direction using the #VisualizePlayerAiming command Added time of day and killer immortality flag to kill log Kills are now logged in JSON format for easier parsing Updated kill log with more information

Update 04-30-20 Admin drone able to look inside chests and see its content