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We have completely revamped the way BB walls work and are made.

The old palisades were great and all but there were a lot of features we wanted to do with them that we could not, plus they kind of stuck out and were not that original feeling we wanted with the game. So introducing new walls to Base buildings.

BB Walls Cinematic 1

These walls make more sense in the abandoned island atmosphere and have a couple of nifty little features as well!

Take note that the arrow points to the outside part of the wall.

To start off we have 3 different walls:

  • Wooden walls-No skill engineering
  • Barbed walls-Basic engineering
  • Metal walls-Medium engineering

BB Walls Upgrading Animation

But here is the catch, these are not 3 seperate walls. Well they are and are not at the same time.

Base building walls are now upgradeable. This means if you want to add more protection you don't have to build another set anymore. Instead simply hold F on the walls and press upgrade, a new blueprint will pop which you can fill and BAM a new wall!

BB Wall Interchangeable Example

With the wall changes and the new look you no longer have pillars, so now there are wall blocks. There are 6 different wall sizes and each of them have different HP and material requirements.

If you build on a steep surface, the walls will tile themselves so you will get smaller wall chunks. When you want to upgrade the walls, you need to do it chunk by chunk.

Do keep in mind you cannot immediately build Metal walls, you need to start from basic and upgrade up!

Not only walls received this upgrade but, towers, doors and doorframes as well.

You might be concerned about old bases and what happens to them. Don't worry they are still there and your stuff is protected. Old base building elements are removed as a crafting option and will degrade more and more over time to give you time to replace with new ones and keep your hermit holes safe.


Added Brick and Concrete versions

Brick Base Walls Concrete Base Walls

Change History[]

Update 11-05-21 Upgrading to brick and concrete walls now require advanced engineering skill level
Update 06-15-21 Added Brick and Concrete upgrades
Update 05-26-21 You will now see wall length when placing bb walls.
Update 12-21-20 Added spikes on walls to prevent people jumping over them.

Improved wall placement

Update 11-26-20 Reworked walls to be upgradeable

